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Databend Cloud
We hope that can help you to get familiar with the project plans and vision through the Roadmap.
7 - 8 ( July to August )
9 - 10 ( September to October)
📏 Check Your Usage
It's always nice to know how much you have spent and where your money is going. In Databend Cloud, it's the same. Databend Cloud now offers a Usage page that helps track your credit spending so that you can work within your budget.
📈 Your Dashboard in Databend Cloud
Dashboards are usually the best and easiest way to gain insights into an organization, as well as its operations and performance. In Databend Cloud, that makes sense, too.
📈 Meet the New Warehouse
The recent updates in July 2022 brought a new look-and-feel and many exciting new features to the warehouse module. Databend Cloud now provides more information about your warehouses, such as the compute unit states and consumption statistics. This post walks you through what's new in the warehouse module.
📏 Optimize Cloud Platform Processes
Make the process of using cloud platforms clearer
📏 The New Website
Create a new brand image, easy to understand the introduction of our products
📈 Support Chart Display - v1.0
Make Worksheet support chart presentation, Data analysis, etc.
📏 Queries History
Support the display of data results through charts
📏 Sharing
Support worksheet sharing
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