Databend Logos
We also provide the npm package for you to download, more details please refer to Documentation
Copyright © 2024 Databend Cloud. All rights reserved.
Databend Cloud grants you the right to use our logo for the purposes of promoting or referring to our brand, products, or services. However, it is important to follow these guidelines to ensure proper usage:
1. Logo Integrity:
- Do not modify or distort the logo in any way.
- Maintain adequate clear space around the logo to ensure visibility and legibility.
2. Colors:
- The Databend logos should be used in its original colors. Do not alter the colors.
3. Proportions:
- Do not stretch or skew the logo. It should always be displayed in its original proportions.
4. Placement:
- Place the logo on a clean background with sufficient contrast for optimal visibility.
- Do not place the logo near other elements that may detract attention or create confusion.
5. Size:
- Ensure that the logo is legible and visually balanced. Do not display it in a size that compromises its quality or clarity.
Always refer to these guidelines when using the Databend Cloud logo to maintain consistency and preserve the integrity of our brand identity. If you have any questions or need additional assistance, please contact our brand management team at [email protected]