
Connecting to Databend and Running Queries with bendsql

EricMar 2, 2023
Connecting to Databend and Running Queries with bendsql

Recently, the Databend team made the CLI tool "bendsql" available to Databend users. The tool was rolled out last year and provided a command-line alternative to connect to Databend Cloud. Now, the team has extended its capabilities by allowing connections to Databend. This post walks you through the installation process and basic commands of bendsql.

Downloading and Installing bendsql

To download and install bendsql, please go to the bendsql repository on GitHub and follow the README instructions.

Connecting to Databend


bendsql connect
to connect to a Databend instance:

eric@ericdeMacBook rsdoc % bendsql connect -h
Connect to Databend Instance

bendsql connect [flags]

-d, --database string (default "default")
-H, --host string (default "localhost")
-p, --password string
-P, --port int (default 8000)
-u, --user string (default "root")

--help Show help for command

Use 'bendsql <command> <subcommand> --help' for more information about a command.

To connect to a local Databend, simply run

bendsql connect

eric@ericdeMacBook rsdoc % bendsql connect
Connected to Databend on Host: localhost
Version: DatabendQuery v0.9.58-nightly-790be61(rust-1.68.0-nightly-2023-03-01T16:41:18.376657Z)

Running Queries with bendsql

After connecting bendsql to your Databend instance, you can use

bendsql query
to run queries with the tool:

eric@ericdeMacBook rsdoc % bendsql query
Connected with driver databend (DatabendQuery v0.9.58-nightly-790be61(rust-1.68.0-nightly-2023-03-01T16:41:18.376657Z))
Type "help" for help.

dd:root@localhost/default=> SELECT NOW();
| now() |
| 2023-03-02T21:47:10.4Z |
(1 row)
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